Buying weed Online in Canada has become more difficult especially with many dispensaries forced to close down. However, buying weed online is still an option and provides many benefits for those who like to shop online.

Order from the Comfort of your Own Home

The convenience of buying weed online is perfect for those who live outside the city where most dispensaries are typically found. By ordering online you can save yourself the long drive especially during the winter months in Canada. Of the dispensaries that are up and running, most will only sell to legal card holders.

Now you can order marijuana from the comfort of your own home with the simple click of the mouse.

Variety of Marijuana Strains & Products

Along with the convenience of ordering online, you can enjoy choosing from a large number of different strains of indica, sativa, edibles, concentrates and more!

With so many different mail order weed websites avaialable on the internet it can be pretty overwhelming deciding who to choose from which is why is how the need for Weed List came to be.

Weed List provides one of the largest choices of cannabis products in Canada and growing by the day as more Canadian marijuana companies are getting their products listed.

Rather than having to jump from site to site to find the best deal on quality marijuana, you can now do it through once central website.

Price or Quality

Price can often dictate the quality of marijuana which is something to consider. While many online marijuana shops will brag about how their quality is the best it is typically relative to price. This is why Weed List is aiming to provide a grade when supplied by the seller so visitors can made better educated choices on whether they want to purchase high grade vs. ungraded strains or cannabis products.

Pictures are often a good tell of how good the quality is as well. Good quality cannabis will stand out in photos as their superior genetics will often grab your attention.

The quality of marijuana is similar to purchasing fine wine however sometimes you might be happy with the Two-Buck Chuck or bargain-priced wine so quality can also be subjective.

Weed List is here and ready to provide you both premium and bargain prices on marijuana and cannabis products in Canada.