Top 7 Marijuana Seeds Suitable for Cold Climates


Growing weed outdoors and in colder climatic conditions comes with a broad range of challenges that may put off interested growers. Fortunately, there are seeds that are well adapted to cold conditions, allowing cultivators with farms in colder parts of the world to grow strong and quality cannabis plants. Keep reading to discover the top 7 cannabis seeds that can endure the cold and mature into healthy plants.

Top 7 Marijuana Seeds Suitable for Cold Climates2020-12-04T00:56:35+00:00

A Detailed Guide on Weed Candy


The legality of weed production and usage has been expanding at a fast-paced rate, with Canada recently legalizing recreational weed. Similarly, methods for partaking weed like joints, spliffs, bongs, dabbing, Thai sticks, and vaping are all gaining enormous popularity as new users enter the market. However, all these methods involve burning marijuana and inhaling the smoke. This doesn’t mean those who can’t smoke due to various personal and medical reasons should go without enjoying this delicious plant. Weed candy is a perfect alternative for those who don’t want to smoke or can’t smoke.

A Detailed Guide on Weed Candy2019-02-24T19:24:24+00:00

The Differences Between Vape Pens & Portable Vaporizers


Vaporizers of all shapes and sizes fill the shelves and pages of online shops, and yet a lot of people still are not entirely sure what the differences between them are. It is important to understand the difference before you buy either, as this can help you know what sort of product it is that you are looking for.

The Differences Between Vape Pens & Portable Vaporizers2020-02-12T01:30:34+00:00

Common Myths about CBD


As the world moves closer to decriminalizing and removing stigma from cannabis (specifically CBD) consumption, there are a lot of important myths to debunk in order for people to understand exactly what they are consuming. Often, the confusion that arises is from people’s inability to differentiate between the effects of CBD and THC. Either, people think they are the same, or they replace one function with another until they have a jumbled understanding. People are choosing to consume CBD for a number of reasons, including health-related reasons, as well as recreationally. Regardless of the intention, though, it is important to be able to tell the difference between fact and myth – an informed consumer is a happier, healthier one.

Common Myths about CBD2021-12-05T09:45:42+00:00

Cannabis in the 1930’s


After cannabis has been legalized in Canada it seems many countries may soon be joining the trend.  Countries are slowly waking up to the reality of marijuana and looking to get on board with the legislation of cannabis after years of prohibition, taxes, bans and stigma, to forget how long it has actually been around. It can also be easy to forget that these years of stigma and bans were not always around, and that there was a time when people were consuming cannabis with as much casualness as we might consume a off-the-shelf batch of Ibuprofen. Thinking back as far as the 1930s may seem absurd, but doing so shows us some interesting facts about the herb and its uses in history!

Cannabis in the 1930’s2018-11-14T19:36:55+00:00

6 Different Methods of Consuming Cannabis


Medical weed is a versatile medication that is effective in treating a broad range of medical complications and diseases. First-time users may assume that the only method of consuming weed is by smoking it. However, with growth in innovation, numerous options for using medical marijuana have emerged. Healthier selections have replaced many of the traditional ingestion options. If you are a medical cannabis user looking for the safest way to consume your pot, talk to your prescribing physician, observe appropriate precautions, and weigh the upsides and downsides of the many available methods. With some trial-and-error, you will identify a consumption option that suits your needs.

6 Different Methods of Consuming Cannabis2018-12-06T14:37:29+00:00

11-Hydroxy-THC: A Metabolite that Makes Cannabis Edibles Highly Potent


Why do pot edibles cause potent, long-lasting effects than smoking or vaping? This question lingers in the mind of most marijuana enthusiasts who have tried several delivery methods. Edibles cause highs that take a longer duration to kick in compared to smoking and vaping, which makes it much easier to overdose. Controlling the dosage is easier with smoking and vaping since marijuana consumers can simply take it puff by puff. Many users assume THC will have the same psychoactive effective irrespective of the method of delivery used. On the contrary, orally ingested THC follows a different metabolic pathway that converts it into a more powerful psychoactive molecule called 11-hydroxy-THC.

11-Hydroxy-THC: A Metabolite that Makes Cannabis Edibles Highly Potent2020-02-12T01:35:15+00:00

Ontario Medical Association President Retracts ‘Cannabis A Gateway Drug’


Dr Alam not only accepts that she made a sweeping statement previously, but she is eager to rectify it and being particularly proactive in finding a solution for the disruption that was caused. On top of the apology, she is offering people who suffered in any way emotionally from her statements a prescription of forty oxycodone pills.

Ontario Medical Association President Retracts ‘Cannabis A Gateway Drug’2018-11-10T08:03:22+00:00

Top 7 Dry Herb Vaporizers That Will Offer Value For Your Money


Over the years, vaporizers have transitioned from a niche smoking-ceasing aid into an ever-growing sub-culture all by itself. Although e-liquid vapes still control a big chunk of the market, many medical and recreational pot enthusiasts have adopted concentrate and dry-herb vaporizers at a fast-paced rate. These vaporizers have evolved from whip-style desktop designs to smaller portable vaporizers that give vapers an unequaled vaping experience. Many in the marijuana community believe vaping is more enjoyable and less harmful compared to smoking, which has led to the massive adoption of vaporizers.

Top 7 Dry Herb Vaporizers That Will Offer Value For Your Money2018-11-03T15:39:45+00:00

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