Like most things in life, cannabis has a shelf life. The potency of cannabinoids like CBD and THC diminishes over time, so if you’re looking to experience a high of a lifetime, you’ll want to consume your weed within six months of purchasing it. 

But, of course, if you’re the type of person who likes to let their stash gather dust, you might wonder if your weed has gone bad. In that case, the answer is probably yes.


Cannabis Shelf Life and Loss of Potency

How long weed stays potent is greatly influenced by environmental factors such as humidity levels, too much light, and temperatures. THC is what gives cannabis its potency, and over time THC levels will naturally decrease.

So if you want to enjoy your weed at its peak potency, consume it within a year of harvest.


Storing Weed to Keep it Fresh and Potent For Longer

If you want your weed to stay fresh and potent for longer, just like any other product, you’ll need to store it properly. Depending on the cannabis product, cannabis storage requirements can vary. But in general, there are a few key things you can do to help keep all of your cannabis products fresher for longer.


Storing Weed to Keep it Fresh and Potent For Longer


Cannabis Flowers

Observing proper storage conditions is the key to keeping weed, especially cannabis flowers, fresh. Make sure not to expose your dried cannabis flowers to sunlight and air for too long. When done correctly, your product can stay fresh and potent for up to two years. However, it is always best to use the oldest (and therefore the driest) bud at the bottom of the mason jar first or humidity pack, making sure that any you remove is of good quality and has not been overexposed to light or air.


Cannabis Edibles

The good news is that it can take long periods for cannabis edibles to lose potency to be “inactive.” Once you’ve opened them and started eating them, their potency won’t deteriorate much unless exposed to high humidity levels, extreme lighting conditions or harmful UV rays.


Cannabis Concentrates

It’s essential to store your cannabis concentrates in small containers designed specifically for storing concentrates. These containers are often made of glass or silicone, which helps preserve the concentrate’s quality. It’s also important not to keep your concentrates in an empty container used for other things. It can affect the taste, effectiveness, and potency of the concentrate. 


Vape Cartridges

Vaping is excellent, but it’s essential to store your vape pens safely and securely. Storing your vape pen in a cool place will keep it fresh and potent for longer, so you’ll have a better experience next time. The oil in your cartridge can stay fresh and potent for months, after which it will start to go bad and lose flavour.

Before you vape, check the oil to ensure it’s clean and tastes good. You can also check for discoloration or excessive foam on the top of your cartridge, indicating that there are not enough active ingredients left. If this happens, shake some fresh oil into it before use, or replace it altogether with a new one.


How To Tell If Your Old Stash Is Still Usable?

Do you ever look at your cannabis product and wonder how long it’s been in the bag? The good news is that there are a few factors you can pay attention to that will help you figure out whether your old weed is still good or not.

Smell: If your long-lost weed gives you whiffs of trouble, it’s time to ditch it.

Texture: If your long weed is too dry and crumbles when you touch it, producing crumbly dust, it’s probably past its expiration date.

Mold: When it comes to mold, weed is much like bread. If there’s too much moisture or humidity, it may develop mold. And just like you shouldn’t eat moldy bread, you shouldn’t smoke moldy weed.


Final Words on the Shelf Life of Weed and Ways to Keep Weed Fresh For Longer


Final Words on the Shelf Life of Weed and Ways to Keep Weed Fresh For Longer

With proper storage, an ounce of fresh weed can stay good and potent for up to two years. However, it’s important to remember that humidity, water and oxygen are all the enemies of THC potency. 

Make sure to keep your cannabis flower, cannabis oil and other cannabis products in a cool and dry area, away from direct sunlight, unless you want to increase the THC degradation rate. You should also be aware that if you store weed in glass mason jars or plastic baggies, moisture may seep in over time and damage the product. 

Weed List has a wide variety of products for sale from top dispensaries like the Highest Farmacy. So take some time to check out our website, see what we offer, and buy marijuana flowers and other related products confidently!



Fletcher, J. (2019, July 26). A comparison of CBD and THC. Medical News Today. Available at:

Highest Farmacy. (2022, September 18). Get Timely and Reliable Same-Day Weed Delivery in Toronto and Surrounding Cities. Available at:

Prisms LSD. (2022, September 18). Buy LSD acid online in Canada. Available at:

Stamberger, Jeffrey. (2019, August 5). How to Store Marijuana. Medical Marijuana Inc. Available At:

WeedSmart. (2022, September 18). Canada’s Best Marijuana Flowers | Online Dispensary Canada. Available at: