



Charlotte’s Web strain cannabis essential oil, extracted into MCT coconut oil as a neutral carrier lipid. Amber in colour, extremely consistent and high quality. Highly sought-after medical product. 32:1 CBD to THC ratio, 10mg CBD for every 0.31mg THC – lowest possible CBD:THC ratio.

Good to Know: MCT Oils are extracted from coconut oil and are extremely easy for your body to digest and immediately make use of. Combined with lecithin, they are simply the most bio-available binding agent for cannabis, maximizing the amount of cannabis that ultimately gets absorbed into the bloodstream per capsule.

“[MCT Oils are all] beneficial for overall health — especially for people who have a difficult time digesting other forms of fats, including anyone with malabsorption problems, digestive disorders like Leaky Gut Syndrome, Crohn’s disease, gallbladder infections and so on.”