
Cloud Chaser Budder

What is Budder? Also known as budder wax, Budder is a type of THC-rich cannabis concentrate. It shouldn’t be confused with cannabinoid-infused butter (aka cannabutter), which is used for making edibles and other delicacies. Our House Budder is amber/yellowish and closely resembles regular butter in texture. This creamy consistency is achieved through a pretty complicated process that we’ll be covering a bit later down the road. Advances in concentrate extraction made it possible that certain waxes retain a high-terpene profile while preserving great levels of THC at the same time. As a result, this batch of budder is graded at around 70-80% THC, which is also extremely flavorful because they have a ton of terpenes in it.

How to use Budder? Budders are best consumed by either using it in smoke accessories like a Dab-Bong, eDab-Rig, or vaporizers. Cannabis concentrates like budders require a high temperature of 450 degrees F to fully activated all its cannabis compounds and deliver the best effects to the user.

How to store Budder
Without proper storage, budder will start to darken and harden over time. To ensure a long and stable shelf life, the concentrate should be stored in an air- and light-proof container, like a silicone or glass jar, in a cool environment. Moisture, oxygen, light, and storing the budder in warmer temperatures will speed up the degradation process and could alter the overall effects it produces. The aroma, color, and potency may also be affected.

May Relieve: Depression | Anxiety | Fatigue | Pain | Stress | Insomnia

Suggested time to use: Day or early evening, not known to aid sleep.

(Stock Levels May Vary)